Z-OLD Newsletter

Read "A Gossamer Thread"

The Self Love 💖 Edition, February 15, 2021.

Why Creativity Matters, 22 Ways to Love Yourself, Recipe for Snowball Cookies,

30 Day Happiness Challenge, How to Take a Forest Bath and more!

Does the World Need Another Newsletter?

Such a legit question! There are so many newsletters out there, why create a new one?

I've loved the poem from to the left from the first time I read it in high school. I understood EXACTLY what Whitman was getting at. It's a fundamental human longing, to connect with others in an honest and authentic way. And that is the purpose and mission of this newsletter.

And while "A Gossamer Thread" will always contain a section or two about photography and/or my business, it will also consist of content in the areas that are deeply important to me: creativity, well-being, and mindful-productivity. I'll share my experiences not necessarily as an expert, but as a fellow human being stumbling through this miracle of existence.

If you subscribe, please let me know when articles and ideas resonate with you! I would truly love to hear from you. Email me here.

A Noiseless Patient Spider

by Walt Whitman

A noiseless patient spider, 
I mark’d where on a little promontory it

stood isolated, 
Mark’d how to explore the vacant vast

It launch’d forth filament, filament,

filament, out of itself, 
Ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly

speeding them.

And you O my soul where you stand, 
Surrounded, detached, in measureless

oceans of space, 
Ceaselessly musing, venturing,

throwing, seeking the spheres to

connect them, 
Till the bridge you will need be form’d,

till the ductile anchor hold, 
Till the gossamer thread you fling catch

somewhere, O my soul.

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desktop images, checklists and other free guides

in the library!

The library is under construction. I'll send the password when it's ready.

January 4, 2021. ISO Beta Testers for my "Take Better Pictures Now" photography class 📷, a FREE year end planner, Better Phone Pics, FREE Block Printing lesson, and Gossamer Threads about programming course, online yoga, Notion productivity app, and more!

The First Edition 📃

January 18, 2021. FREE ebook on "How to Organize Your Photos", favorite board games, BEST hot chocolate recipe and more!

The Cosy Hibernation Edition 🐻

The Home Office 🖥 Edition

February 1, 2021. Improve your Home Office Ergonomics, 5 Reasons Why You Need to Print Your Photos, Sea Shanties, Comfort Food recipe and more!